Easter Celebrations at Tŷ Llandaff

There were plenty of celebrations happening at our care home this Easter, which started with our residents decorating the lounges, creating Easter bonnets, and enjoying a traditional lunch in the lead-up.

We were then very lucky at Ty Llandaff Care Home over the Easter weekend, as the beautiful sunshine allowed us to enjoy an Easter afternoon tea in the garden. The garden was looking extra beautiful too, thanks to Jan.
Our residents, visitors, and staff all had a pleasant day in the sun, enjoying the spring bulbs, delicious homemade cake, and lots of cups of tea. we also ensured our residents could enjoy Sunday services in their places of worship.
In addition to our afternoon tea and Sunday services, we have had several live performances recently, from our friends at Lostchord, Mini Concerts, and Musicare UK. Our guest Jayne McPhearson also helped draw the easter raffle where we raised funds for future resident activities.
There were some great prizes and we raised a total of £75.00 for activities in the home. We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who supported this fundraiser, from us all at Ty Llandaff Care Home, it is very much appreciated.

It was a fantastic way to welcome in the new season and give us all a sense of new beginnings. We look forward to seeing what this new season holds for us all at Ty Llandaff Care Home in Cardiff.